
How Dangerous Is Radiation From A Mammogram?

3D mammogram screening Boise is important and recommended for all women. However, there have been debates regarding the radiation exposure during the testing. While patients are exposed to a certain amount of radiation during the testing, they are not in any kind of serious danger. Thanks to advanced technology, radiation is limited and minimized to a great extent. 

Some women, however, may take extra precautions, such as pregnant women. If you are worried about what mammogram radiation may do to your body, educating yourself can help clear your doubts. Typically, radiation only causes significant harm if the person has been introduced to it repeatedly and long-term. 

Are mammograms safe?

One of the most asked questions regarding mammograms is whether they are safe for women. Many suspect whether this testing that is meant for screening for cancer can cause cancer itself. The truth is that the amount of radiation exposed during a mammogram test is less than that of a standard X-ray. Therefore, it is safe for everyone. 

Research has proven that radiation exposure from a mammogram is usually safe for people with an average level of risk of breast cancer. However, factors like higher breast densities may cause issues like false positives and may treat an overgrowth in the breast that does not require treatment. 

Debunking a myth: Avoiding radiation from a mammogram is more important than the mammogram itself. 

You may have heard experts telling you to avoid radiation from all sources as much as possible. However, you should know that the benefits of a mammogram screening exceed the dangers of the small amount of radiation involved in the process. 43% of the breast cancer cases in the US are found through a mammogram, making it extremely important. 

There is also a question regarding the concerned population about whether there are alternatives to a mammogram, like breast thermography, breast MRIs, and breast ultrasounds. It is important to note that while these tests may help, they will never be as reliable as a mammogram. The American Cancer Society does not recommend any other test besides a mammogram. 

Self-examinations can be of great help, and women are recommended to learn them. But, they still should not be the only way you should be checking for breast cancer, especially if you are a high-risk individual. If you detect a lump in a breast self-exam, you should always proceed with a mammogram and other diagnostic tests to be sure. 

Book your mammogram appointment today and talk to the doctor about your family history and other risk factors. 

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