Health Weight Loss in Monsoon: These 5 Monsoon Fruits Can Help You Lose Weight

The rainy season or monsoon season is a time when most people crave for warm and comforting foods. However, it is also a season when people are more prone to infections & illnesses, and hence it is essential to maintain a healthy diet. Eating fruits in monsoon not only helps, to boost your immunity but also aids in weight loss. In this article, we will discuss the top 5 monsoon fruits that can help you lose weight, as recommended by,

Benefits of Eating Fruits in Monsoon:

Eating fruits in monsoon has numerous benefits. Firstly, fruits are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which help to boost your immunity & protect you from infections. Secondly, fruits are low in calories and high in fiber, which aids in weight loss. Eating fruits also helps to keep you hydrated, which is essential during the monsoon season when the humidity is high.

Top 5 Monsoon Fruits for Weight Loss:

Pear: Pears are rich in fiber, which helps to keep you full for a longer time and prevents overeating. They also contain pectin, which aids in digestion and helps to flush out toxins from the body.

Plum: Plums are low in calories and high in fiber, making them an excellent choice for weight loss. They are also rich in vitamin C, which helps to boost your immunity & protect you from infections.

Apple: Apples are a good source of fiber and are low in calories, making them an ideal fruit for weight loss. They also contain antioxidants, which help to protect your cells from damage.

Jamun: Jamun is a seasonal fruit that is low in calories and high in fiber. It also contains phytochemicals, which help to reduce.. inflammation in the body and protect you from infections.

Peach: Peaches are low in calories and high in fiber, making them an ideal fruit for weight loss. They also contain vitamin C, which helps to boost your immunity & protect you from infections.

How to Incorporate Monsoon Fruits in Your Diet: Incorporating monsoon fruits in your diet is easy. You can eat them as a snack, add them to your salads, or use them to make smoothies. Here are some simple ways to incorporate monsoon fruits in your diet:

  1. Add sliced pears, plums, and peaches to your morning oatmeal or yogurt.
  2. Make a smoothie with apple, banana, and spinach.
  3. Add diced jamun to your salads.
  4. Make a fruit salad with a mix of all the above fruits.


Eating fruits in monsoon not only helps to boost your immunity but also aids in weight loss. The top 5 monsoon fruits recommended by are pear, plum, apple, jamun, and peach. These fruits are low in calories and high in fiber, making them an excellent choice for weight loss. Incorporating monsoon fruits in your diet is easy, & you can eat them as a snack, add them to your salads, or use them to make smoothies. So, make sure to include these fruits in your monsoon diet to stay healthy & fit.

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