
Rajkot Update News: Linking Aadhaar with Voter List

Rajkot, a bustling city in Gujarat, India, is the fourth-largest city in the state, known for its rich culture, food & traditional handicrafts. It is also an important political hub in the state and has been in the news recently for its initiative to link Aadhaar with the voter list. This move is expected to streamline the voting process and prevent any fraudulent activities during elections. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of this update & understand its impact on the city’s electoral process.

What is Aadhaar?

Aadhaar is a 12-digit unique identification number issued by the Indian government to its residents. It is considered to be one of the largest biometric identification systems in the world and is linked to an individual’s demographic and biometric information. Aadhaar is used for a variety of purposes, including identification, verification & authentication. It is mandatory for Indian citizens to link their Aadhaar with various services, including bank accounts, mobile numbers, and government schemes.

What is the Voter List?

The Voter List, also known as the Electoral Roll, is a list of all the eligible voters in a particular constituency. It contains the names and details of individuals who? are eligible to vote in the upcoming elections. The Voter List is prepared by the Election Commission of India & is updated regularly to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date.

Why Link Aadhaar with Voter List?

The initiative to link Aadhaar with the Voter List in Rajkot is aimed at preventing fraudulent activities during elections. In the past, there have been instances of individuals casting votes in the name of deceased individuals or people who have moved away from the city. By linking Aadhaar with the Voter List, the Election Commission hopes to prevent such fraudulent activities and ensure that only eligible voters can cast their vote.

How to Link Aadhaar with Voter List?

The process of linking Aadhaar with the Voter List in Rajkot is quite simple. The Election Commission has set up special camps across the city where individuals can go and link their Aadhaar with the Voter List. Individuals can also.. visit the official website of the Election Commission and link their Aadhaar online. It is important to note that linking Aadhaar with the Voter List is mandatory, and individuals who fail to do so may.. not be able to vote in the upcoming elections.

Impact of Linking Aadhaar with Voter List

The initiative to link Aadhaar with the Voter List in Rajkot is expected to have a significant impact on the city’s electoral process. It is expected to streamline the voting process and prevent any fraudulent activities. By ensuring that only eligible voters can cast their vote, the initiative will also.. help in improving the accuracy of the Voter List. Additionally, it will make it easier for individuals to update their details in the Voter List and ensure that their information is up-to-date.


The initiative to link Aadhaar with the Voter List in Rajkot is a step in the right direction towards ensuring a fair and transparent electoral process. By preventing fraudulent activities and improving the accuracy of the Voter List, the initiative will help in strengthening the democracy of the country. It is important for individuals to link their Aadhaar with the Voter List and participate in the upcoming.. elections to make their voices heard.

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