
How to Unlock the Butterflies Lens on Snapchat and Make Your Snaps More Beautiful

Snapchat is a popular social media app that lets you share photos and videos with your friends and followers. One of the features that makes Snapchat fun and unique is the ability to use lenses and filters to transform your appearance and add effects to your snaps. Lenses are interactive effects that respond to your facial expressions, while filters are static overlays that change the color or mood of your snaps.

One of the most popular lenses on Snapchat is the butterflies lens, which adds flying butterflies around your face and makes you look like a fairy tale character. The butterflies lens is perfect for adding some magic and whimsy to your snaps, whether you want to impress your crush, show off your makeup, or just have some fun.

But how do you unlock the butterflies lens on Snapchat? There are three easy ways to do it, and we will show you how in this blog post.

Method 1: Scan a Snapcode to Unlock the Butterflies Lens on Snapchat

The easiest way to unlock the butterflies lens on Snapchat is by scanning a Snapcode using your Snapchat camera. A Snapcode is a QR code that contains information about a lens, filter, or user. You can find Snapcodes online, on social media, or in magazines.

To scan a Snapcode and unlock the butterflies lens on Snapchat, follow these steps:

  • Open the Snapchat app on your phone and switch to the rear camera by tapping the camera icon in the top-right corner.
  • Find a Snapcode for the butterflies lens online or on another device. You can use this one as an example.
  • Point your camera at the Snapcode and let the app scan it. You should see a message saying “Snapcode Detected” at the bottom of your screen.
  • Tap on the message and you will be redirected to the lens screen, where you can see how the butterflies lens looks on you.
  • Tap on the capture button to take a photo or video using the butterflies lens. You can also save the lens to your favorites by tapping on the star icon in the bottom-left corner.

Method 2: Search for the Butterflies Lens in the Lens Explorer

Another way to unlock the butterflies lens on Snapchat is by searching for it in the Lens Explorer. The Lens Explorer is a feature that lets you browse and try different lenses created by Snapchat and other users. You can access it by tapping on the smiley face icon next to the capture button.

To search for and unlock the butterflies lens in the Lens Explorer, follow these steps:

  • Open the Snapchat app on your phone and tap on the smiley face icon next to the capture button.
  • Tap on the magnifying glass icon in the bottom-right corner to open the search bar.
  • Type “butterflies” or “unlock butterfly lens on snapchat” in the search bar and hit enter.
  • You will see a list of results showing different lenses related to butterflies. Look for the one called “Paper Butterflies” by jp pirie. This is one of the most popular versions of the butterflies lens on Snapchat.
  • Tap on the lens and you will be able to see how it looks on you. You can also save it to your favorites by tapping on the star icon in the bottom-left corner.

Method 3: Try the Butterflies Lens from Someone’s Story or Snap

The third way to unlock the butterflies lens on Snapchat is by trying it from someone’s story or snap. If you see someone using the butterflies lens in their story or snap, you can easily copy it and use it for yourself.

To try and unlock the butterflies lens from someone’s story or snap, follow these steps:

  • Open the Snapchat app on your phone and watch someone’s story or snap that uses the butterflies lens. You can tell if they are using a lens by looking for a small icon in the top-left corner of their screen.
  • Tap on the icon and you will see a pop-up menu with options to try or send the lens.
  • Tap on “Try Lens” and you will be able to use the butterflies lens for yourself. You can also save it to your favorites by tapping on the star icon in the bottom-left corner.

That’s it! You have learned how to unlock the butterflies lens on Snapchat using three different methods. Now you can enjoy using this beautiful and magical lens for your snaps and stories. Have fun!

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